THIS year on this day, Valencia is 11 months old

One year ago today I began the month long hospital stay to monitor the babies and await the arrival of Laurencia and Valencia.  I sat there missing my kids, my husband, my home, wondering whether Valencia would live and how on earth I would kiss my sweet Laurenci goodbye.  It was a tough year.  But we were not alone.  Far from it.

Today, we were so fortunate to be able to finally get away together and spend some time as a family, away from work, so much work! (well, Matt and I will still have to work when the kids are asleep but still…), from yardwork and housework and “just a minute kids while I make this umpteenth phone call”s.  We get to spend a few days just enjoying one another and having fun. IMG_2692 We are all so beyond elated to get away.  When we were unpacking our things after the journey up here I was surprised to find that Wyatt had packed his little treasure box that I gave him in memory of his sister.  Engraved on it are the words, “I’ll always be in your heart, Laurencia”  and he keeps his scapular, medals, holy cards and a tiny little lamby figurine in it.  He was asking me to move a table over to his bed here so that he could put it on a nightstand.  He then opened the box and placed everything just so.  I told him, “Wyatt, that was really sweet of you, to bring that.”  He replied, “This way, our WHOLE family can be here.”  I really didn’t even know he had the tiny lamb or that he thinks of her so often.  He’s usually very quiet about her and I told him how special it was that he did that and how much it meant to all of us. 

I was very emotional today, thinking about all that has happened and where we were last year on this day.  Last year I couldn’t run the Team Liam 5k because I was in the hospital.  THIS year I was able to get out and run for a wonderful cause in memory of a sweet boy, and I got to sing Happy heavenly Birthday to him.  THIS year on this day, rather than wonder if she would survive, Valencia turned 11 months old.IMG_2634  THIS year I am comforted knowing Laurenci is victorious and working hard in heaven to ask Jesus to guide us in her name.  IMG_2515IMG_2651THIS year I have a peace and a joy that I had no idea, NO IDEA would ever be possible.  THIS year we are aware that every single moment is a gift and we do not take one second for granted.  THIS year on this day I have no less praise for our God and the amazing grace He provides.  In fact, THIS year, I have more. 

I love my life.  I love my God.  He is mighty.
